2020-12-19 15:35:14 编辑:无 浏览:(1746次)
Task 1(重复 2019 年 4 月 17 日在家考真题)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
The professor who have received good evaluations from students should be promoted.
Personally, I don ’ t think it ’ s a good idea to promote professors who have received good evaluations from students.
First, because for most of the time, students just give good evaluations to save time. I mean most evaluations are done at last class or at the last week of the semester. It’ s really a busy time for students,because they are so preoccupied with all these final papers, and exams, so they may just give good evaluations to save themselves from troubles without even thinking about the details. Like I have done that all the time at collage, and I know all my friends did the same. Second, good evaluations should not be the only aspect to consider when university decide to promote a professor. There are more important things that we should attach importance to, like , research projects, achievements in certain field, and contributions to the society.
Task 2
1.上课可能会遗漏信息,有了网站方便多了。而且以前记录的东西可能丢失, 但是现在有网站随时可以查看,另外网站素材还可以替换补充;
Task 3:心理学话题
阅读:pro-con close,卖产品过去只说好的,现在说好的和坏的,顾客更信服
Task 4:生物话题
听力:昆虫的飞行,举了蜻蜓和一种 bumblebee 的例子。听力前面解释昆虫需要产生热量提供给肌肉,所以才可以飞行,但是冷血动物需要其他方式供热,然后解释用太阳能量供热, 一大摞解释才提到蜻蜓用大面积身体获得太阳能, 然后就是 bee 是靠运动来产生热量。
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