2019-04-17 11:21:58 编辑:无 浏览:(2622次)
1. Some people belive tha spendig time awy from the people we care about helps u
improve ourelationships withem, because bing awy from thes people makes u realize
how importan they are to us. Others belive tha to improve ourelationships withe pople we care about, we should spend as much time withem as posible, becausependig time
aprt can damge or harm a relationship. Whic view do yu agre with?
2. It is easier for people to maintain health now than i the past.
3. Do yu agre or disagre withe staemnt: University studentshould be rquired toake
basiciencelaseven if they are not part of the fild of the study.
4. It is betr to work for busines owned by someonelse than to work for the busines ofne’s own family. 5. Modern agricultre methodsamge thenvironment, but providng fod for the growing poulation around the world is more importan than protecing thenvironment.
6. Do yu agre or disagre withe folwing staemnt : Sometimes people thinkowadys
the media (TV, newspaer, Internt) are ls concernd abouthe acuracy of news than i the past, and the incorect information may cause more problem tohe public.
7. A lotf hig schol students now cheat in homework asignments, by asking other students for answers. Whic of the folwing do you think is the most efctive way to reduce the
phenomenof cheating?
1. increasing penalty or punishmento the students who cheat on homework asignments
2. asking parentso help monitor their children when they are doing homework and confirm
theomework is done by studentshemselvs without cheating
3. asking teachers to creat homework asignmentshat is more difculto cheat on
8. Whic one of the rason is most importan in helping studentso study in colegs and
a. Having aces tohe universityutors who can provide indvidual instruction for the
students whoave difcultiesn study
b. Having thelp and encouragemnt from the family and friends
c. Having exclenteachers in hig schol who can help students before the university
9. It ismposible to always be completly honest with your fiends.
10. Whic do you think is the bst way for a studento make friends: joing a sportseam,particpating in comunity actives, or taveling? Usepecif examples to suport your answer.
11. The way people dres i a god indcationf his or her personality or charcter.
12. Nowadys, many movies or films are based on boks. Some pople prefr to read the orignal
bok before they watch te movie, while others prefr to watch te movie bforeading the
bok. Whic one do you prefr?
13. It is betr to relax through watching a film and reading a bok than doing physical exrcise.
14. Some popleike to buy and eatheir mealst restaurnts frequently, while others like to do this at home. Whic do yu prefr?
15. Whic one do yu think is the most useful to improve our environment? Walking or bicyling to reduce drivng , only consume organic fod(reduce psticde), oreuse waste.
16. Parentshould encourage their children to d their schol work indepndently rather than help them witheir schol work.
17. You have long ben friends with someone. If he or she doesomething tha you don’t like, should you stil be friends withim or her?
18. Some young people are fre in thevenigs or have days of at schol. Whic way can bring them the most benfit?
1. to acumlate work experince by a prt-ime jobr voluntering in a comunity
2. to learn to play sport
3. to learn to play musical instrument
19. Whic one of the folwing values i the most importan to share with a young child aged 5 to 10?
1.Being helpful tothers
2.Being honest
3.Being wel-organized
20. As a student of universityhat has long break betwen uiversity semsters, the university requires al studentso d one of the folwing forne month during the break: 1.Students mustake a course on the subjecthat has no directonection toheir majors of
2. Students must volunter to work in the university's city or their hometowns to improve some aspects of lie of the city or their hometowns.
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