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2020-12-19 15:42:19 编辑:无 浏览:(1753次)


  Task 1:

  When your friends send a message to you, you prefer to reply right away or reply later?

  参考答案 Personally speaking, I prefer to give my friends response later. To be more specific, studying is the first and foremost thing that every student has to keep in mind. Social networking is also necessary but it should only be put after studying. Besides, high school students these days are really busy with their school work, like preparing for  exams,  doing course works and group works or finding resources for their papers, so that they have limited chances to get access to their phones. So actually, as high school students,

  me and my friends could understand and we are used to delayed response.

  Task 2

  阅读 学校打算取消在沙滩上的暑期瑜伽项目

  原因 1:上这个暑期瑜伽课的学生人数比较少

  原因 2:准备把这个瑜伽课程开展到体育馆


  原因 1:人数少是因为这个瑜伽课太早了, 可以安排的稍微晚一点

  原因 2:沙滩上景色比较好, 体育馆就景色很差了

  Task3 :

  阅读 evolution loss 动物在进化过程中一些特征的遗失, 因为在适应新环境的过程中, 一些特征已经不需要了

  听力例子:一种昆虫 一开始有翅膀, 进化到后来没翅膀了, 原因是一开始在热带地区, 需要翅膀在植物间和花之间觅食, 但是昆虫越来越多, 它们的居住地越来越 crowded, 于是它们就转移到了 icy area, 因为没有竞争者就不需要飞来飞去, 直接吃落叶就行, 所以翅膀就没了。

  Task4 :话题 team teaching 的两种好处

  好处 1:不同的老师有不同的专长, 课程知识面涵盖更广

  好处 2:不同的教学方法可以满足不同学生的学习习惯

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